Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Semantics are Sabatoge

You, Great One, tell me to communicate verbally, by the pen, through art, by the written word, so I trust You.
Create...but I AM already creation. I am the writer, and all the readers, and all those who do not understand and all who do. What more creation is there then that?
I listen.
Trying to channel the Word of the Divine into the written or spoken word is the most agonizingly beautiful experience to be had.
I stay open, I let Them fall out, through my fingers
It is a mess, even to me, so I know. Still I Know
No one understands what I am saying.
Meanwhile, everyone has deep knowledge of My meaning.
Does this mean they are not listening to the Meaning of The Word, but lost in the meaning of words.
Semantics are sabotage.
Ego's emotional emphasis through mind's madness and arrogance. So self-important are we. Are We?
We try too hard to understand and we never know the Meaning. We speak and all is lost.
And oh!!!
In agony I cry out!
These words are empty wanting of an understanding that exists already.
These words are empty wanting of a shared experience.
I need new words or none at all. Another demand for what I have already been given.
Then again, it doesn't matter either way. I am just a servant.
In any case, I have done My work as I was lead and today it is done.
Maybe the Work is in acceptance of this.
Maybe, as often is, the ache of my loneliness and futility is the purpose.
There is no reward.
I will continue.

The Great Emptiness

So separated the self from the Self
Seeking fulfillment to alleviate the very emptiness
That creates the great I AM
The space in the center of the circle
Which gives it its form
We have filled it, and now it is empty
When we empty it again, we will be full
"Aha!" say the lovers and fools! "Then we are full again,
 and we will love the emptiness
And so the emptiness will be love"
Fill it with love, it will be full...it will be "good"
And so the emptiness will then again be like a wound
Open and healing, but then confirming a sickness


A fool said: I am wise and action is everything!
Another replied: I AM WISE and intention is everything!

Another replied: I AM WISE and belief is everything!

A wise man walked by, expressionless...but they saw him smiling.
He was silent...but the three heard him say: "I am a fool. Everything is nothing."

The three felt such disharmony in this and the Fourth...he felt all and then he felt indifferent.
He was pure being, for he knew wholly his Great insignificance.
