Friday, October 23, 2015

We're All Mad Here

I am led to believe
That our world's "mentally ill" and "insane"
Are just the Healers, who stumbled on the path to Healing
The Teachers, who stumbled on the the path to Truth
Those of Good Intent, who stumbled into the Comfort of Indifference
In the search for Purpose, they, the ones who saw the riddle
But didn't find the humor or the joy in it, nor the Meaning
Nor the Comfort of Meaninglessness
The Sane, who stumbled on Insanity and couldn't find the Way
Who couldn't find Home in this world
And so they stayed mad at a mad world, of their Creation.
So exiled from themselves, in judgement
That the mad world
Did the only thing it could: exile and judge.
And so the label came,
Chasing that Rabbit, and fear showed at their
Own Doorstep
To carry them away
And they remain imprisoned inside of their own cages
Holding the key to Freedom, and feeling so much pain at it's Sight

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